Context is Key to Understanding the Scripture

Context is key to understanding scripture. Don’t build a doctrine from one scripture verse, especially when you haven’t ascertained the context. If we don’t understand context, we might drawn improper conclusions from scriptural stories. In Acts 16, Paul told the prison keeper, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved…” Understand the context. An earthquake had just happened. In the middle of chaos, suffocating dust, and fleeing prisoners, the keeper of the prison drew his sword and was about take his life. Paul said, “Put down that sword! Don’t take your life. Jesus wants to save you!”

The guard (likely with sword still drawn) said, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul replied, “Just believe on Lord Jesus and He’ll save you and your house!” Paul was not able to teach an in-depth Bible study about being born again of water and Spirit in the aftermath of an earthquake with a man about to commit suicide, . He did not have time to share the good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. This was not the time to talk about what happened at Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

If you don’t understand the context, you might think salvation comes only through believing on the Lord! Read the rest of the story. Understand the context. After the man put down the sword they got out of the mayhem of an earthquake and collapsing jailhouse. Paul then sat down with the man and his family in their house and explained the Gospel in full. He obviously talked to them about water baptism. The next verse records Paul baptizing the jailer and his family that same night! Context is key to understanding the scripture. We are subject to improper interpretation if we don’t understand the context and the entire narrative of the Acts story.

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