
5 Practical Tips for Developing a Consistent Bible Study Habit

There’s no argument about whether it adds value to one’s life. There’s no Bible Studydissent about the crucial role it plays in spiritual growth. There’s no disagreement about how it brings joy and strength to those who participate. I’m referring, of course, to Bible study. We would all agree that studying our Bible each day is a good thing. Yet all of us fail at times to be consistent in our daily devotions.

The power and anointing upon the early church believers stemmed from their diligent observance of the disciplines of Acts 2:42, one of which was continuing steadfastly in the Word. If their commitment to being students of the Word brought them success, how can we, in these closing days of peril and challenge, expect to have personal victory within and effective ministry without unless we, too, are drawing strength from the deep well of daily Bible study?

When Hosea warned,

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,”

he wasn’t referring to knowledge of the secular sort. He was referring to the Law of God. Our commitment to consistent Bible study mustn’t wane nor wax cold. It is not only a matter of personal effectiveness; it is a matter of survival. Hosea spoke of those who would be destroyed because they had “forgotten the Law” of God.

The busyness of our lives, the exhausting demands of work, the bible studyinsubordination of our flesh and even spiritual opposition from the enemy all work against a lifestyle of meaningful, daily devotion. But we cannot give up the fight! We cannot succumb to the roadblocks before us. We must do whatever it takes to arrange our lives with God and His Word at the center.

The scriptures rarely speak of the importance of studying God’s Word without also conveying the importance of consistency.   Jesus, Himself, said in John 8:31:

“If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed…”

[pullquote]We must do whatever it takes to arrange our lives with God and His Word at the center.[/pullquote]

We need to continue in the Word. That conveys the idea of consistency and diligence. The Lord’s Prayer includes the segment, “Give us this day our daily bread.” God provided manna to His people in the wilderness on a daily basis. Consistency in our study of God’s Word cannot be overstated. I would rather a person spend 20 minutes a day in the Word and be consistent, then go weeks without cracking open their Bible and then sporadically studying for hours at a time.

Let me give you some suggestions for developing more consistency in your study of God’s Word:

  1. Just Do it. We talk about Bible study. We read books about how to study. We listen to sermons on its importance. We attend seminars on how to be a better student of it. How about just doing it! Enough talk. It’s time to walk the walk. That sounds simplistic, but you have to start somewhere. Just do it. Just open your Bible today and start a habit of daily study. Don’t put it off. “One of these days” usually means “None of these days!” I recently tweeted from my account @BibleStudy_tips ( the following:

Here’s a Bible Study tip: Get off twitter and study your Bible!”

  1. Establish a Consistent Time and Place to Study. It helps to build consistency in your Bible Study devotions when you study at a particular time and place. Are you a morning person? Pick a time before work or school and stick to studying at that time each day. You’ll be amazed at how quickly a habit will work for you! Set aside a specific place to study. Pick a place where distractions are minimal. Again, returning to a familiar place each day will help establish a Bible study habit.
  1. Learn How to Effectively Study the Word of God. When people don’t know how to study the Word, it’s easy to get discouraged or frustrated. Being equipped with practical Bible study tools will make your study time more productive and enjoyable. That will lead to greater consistency.
  1. Join a Bible Study Group. When we commit to studying the Word of God with other people we become accountable to others. There’s just a little more motivation to stick with our Bible study when we know a study group will miss us if we don’t attend or we’ll feel awkward during group discussion when we haven’t done our assigned homework!
  1. Pray and Ask for God’s Help. The prayers, “Jesus, help me be more consistent in studying Your Word” or “Lord, give me a greater love for Bible study” are prayers God is thrilled to answer!

I hope these practical suggestions help you develop a consistent, daily practice of Studying God’s Word.

~ Matthew Ball

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